This is the first trial program that we talk in English each other at ClickRadio.It will be the 1st step of our world domination strategy,,, We hope,,,?!We 're going to present you some story of culture gap , topical news , etc,, twice a month.
If you've got interested in this program, or you've got question about life/culture/etc. in Japan,
please conuct to us.
Moreover, the opinion and demand to this program are also heard.
Live broadcast is performed on every Tuesday and Friday. The live broadcasts of this program are the 2nd Tuesdays and the fourth Tuesdays.
URL is rtsp://live.c-radio.net/encoder/live.rm.
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It combines with live broadcast and the time limit chat is established. Please access those interested, although a chat is correspondence of only Japanese.
The past program can also be heard. Please listen to those who have not been heard yet.
"Low Band" and "High Band" are for streaming, and "MP3 Contents" is for download.

today’s topics is...
The reasons ”why Japan takes so long to change.”
we have a guest tonight!!
talking about, such like
> Tight connections of parties.
> Busy life style of public majority
> education and mentality
> flat culture ( systematic ) we needs subculture.
and news from vancouver
[ B.C. teachers union fined ]

it’s been almost half a year passed since we started this program.
we are talking that how we feel now.
on the other side, how are we gona be for next.
how are we going to make this program.
also, we are talking about what is ”AMEOTOKO” and ”AMEONNNA” a little.

tonight, as a series of space..
we are talking about "otsukimi" (harvest moon).
what is "otsukimi"?
and news from Canada is "Canada's relief".

Mick had vacation this summer, and had been to UTAH.
Talking about how was his trip.
And something about "tanabata", that is one of the japanese festival.
What is "tanabata"? How it comes?
And news from vancouver are...
[[ City hall considers giving Smart cars a break on parking. ]]
[[ Prairie Wind Neil Young. ]]

today, we are talking about "omatsuri", japanese style festival.
there are so many "omatsuri" in japan.
especially, during july to august, you can find "omatsuri" almost every day in somewhere in japan.
today's news from vancouver are...
.Toxic spill devastates cheakamus
.Hiroshima survivors mark annivers

today, we are talking about high-school baseball.
and, students' summer vacation.
news from vancouver are...
"Student to watch open-heart surgery"
"International firework competition"

This week, we talk about geoge's trip.
He is just married, and went to the U.S. on his honney-moon trip.
Where did he visit ?
picked up news are...
○ Bear attack ’likely’ on North Shore
○ Wrecked bus yields key clue

geoge is absent. he is in the U.S.
today, we are talking about funeral service.
what is the defference in servece between u.s./canada and japan.
what is the japanese style.
and news
Real estate wealth continues to rise
Funds raised for Tsunami victims by Tamils in BC.

we are at 4th on air..
today, we discussed many things such as "juku", "ojuken", "undou-kai",
and "shugaku-ryokou".
what is the "juku"?
why they have to go to the "juku"?
what is the "undou-kai"?...
and news from vancouver
"Force lives in Mini Darth"
"Campers cautioned about fires"

George is day off, because of headache.
Life is hard, you know,,.he never knew it.
so, mick and john are on the microphone.
we are talking about
movie which titled "supersize me"
today's pick up news is...
"Clapton's Cream rises again" from u.k.
" what a shame ! " mick said.

Today, we're talking about "Onigiri", a tipical Japanese first-food, rice ball.
Why they peel dried seaweed from "Onigiri".
Also, talking about terrible railroad accident in Japan.
And, some news from vancouver.

We re’gona start a new program of ClickRadio.
It will be a English version of program.
Yes, it’s English . Can you believe that?
Introduce our new program, and ourselves.
Why this title? "Geisha-Fujiyama-Sukiyaki".
What is "ClickRadio"?
Who are we?
